This request has been declined. Please see the followup question: Design a profile picture for our Twitter account!
Now that we have a community-run Twitter account, I'd like to know if we could use Stack Exchange's logo for this site as the profile picture for the Twitter account. I'd noticed that the Mi Yodeyan Twitter account uses their Stack Exchange logo as their profile picture. (I assume they asked permission first, as they did for their publications.)
The Trademark Guidance page says (among other things):
Do not use our logo unless you have been granted special permission by Stack Exchange Inc.
Do not use our name or logo in a way that might imply a false sense of partnership or endorsement with your product.
I do recognize that we don't yet have a perfect name for the account; however, I made sure to emphasize that this account is unofficial and community-run in both the bio and the pinned tweet. I hope that the use of the logo will increase brand recognition and improve the image of that Twitter account (and will save me the effort of creating a profile picture :-)
Once I'm asking...I'm not yet certain what we'll use for the header photo. I might try to find a stock photo (or take a picture) of a bunch of books or a library, or I might just take a screen shot of the "Questions/Tags/Users/Badges/Unanswered/Ask Question" bar at the top of the page. If we want to, could we use that for our header photo?
Pretty please? Thank you :)