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13 votes

Old Literature Stack Exchange migration links no longer work properly

If you come across these, flag 'em and ask a moderator to clear the migration history. We were supposed to do that when shutting the site down, but it's possible we either forgot or these were ...
Shog9's user avatar
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10 votes

Unable to review close votes

So, there's a check that runs to see if you have access to the various options before giving them to you... It checks if you have full editing rights before giving you the Edit button. You don't have ...
Shog9's user avatar
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9 votes

A user (super?)ping is showing up incorrectly in the chat star list

Yeah, that's what happens when chat messages containing superpings get starred. There's been a bug report about this on main meta, Superpings don't show user name in sidebar, which has been ...
Rand al'Thor's user avatar
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6 votes

Why was a user able to post a question with just the 'untagged' tag?

I added the blacklist to all sites back in 2015. Literature didn't exist then, so it didn't get the blacklist. We should probably get in the habit of adding it during site creation, but for now I've ...
Shog9's user avatar
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4 votes

Blocked by "You can only post once every 40 minutes." after a failed post

Is this the intended behavior? Yes. From this post on rate-limiting questions for new users, catalogued at The Complete Rate-Limiting Guide (both of the posts I just linked contain a LOT more detail ...
Rand al'Thor's user avatar
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2 votes

A small issue about review queue

The same post can appear in different review queues for different reasons. Late Answers is for any answers from low-rep (<50?) users that are posted long (6 months?) after the question they were ...
Rand al'Thor's user avatar
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2 votes

Are our traffic statistics broken?

There are two questions on Meta StackExchange about this: Traffic isn't correctly registered on Site Analytics, Traffic isn't updated correctly on Area51 A comment on the first question by Dean Ward,...
Tsundoku's user avatar
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2 votes

Why was a user able to post a question with just the 'untagged' tag?

The tag untagged appears automatically when all of a question's tags are removed. When editing a question, it's impossible to remove all the tags, so the only way a question can get down to 0 tags is ...
Gilles 'SO- stop being evil''s user avatar
2 votes

"Recently Undeleted" posts in the mod tools are almost unreadable

Those items appear to be dimmed when deleted single-handedly, or migrated, by a moderator. Indeed, those two posts: Should "New Spring" be read before the rest of books in the Wheel of Time ...
Gallifreyan's user avatar
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