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typo, missing word, a couple of weirdnesses in phrasing/punctuation
Rand al'Thor Mod
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  • Length

    We have run into this problem several times, with tags such as (instead of , and (instead of ), and will doubtless run into it again.
    It's not possible to shorten every title like this - nobody will know what tag to use.

  • Duplication

    Lots of books have the same title as another. Let's take an example tag, . What would this refer to? This book? This book? This one?
    I suggested in the comments that we could add years of publication - e.g. . But @Gilles raised some valid points - when would we know to add the year from the start? What if more than one book with the same name gets published in a year? This would also exacerbate issues with the tag length. Also, what about a series? What date would we go by?

  • New users

    What happens when a new user comes and tries to ask a question about a book that there's no tag for? Doggone it, I can't ask this because I can't create the tag without 125 imaginary Internet points! Stupid site! I'm not posting anything here. ...and that's not so good for attracting new users. We should be trying to make the experience as pleasant as possible, for all users.

  • Different names

    Some books have more than one name they are referred to by. E.g. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's/Sorcerer's Stone (yeah, I know that's included in - it's just an example), or a book that has a different name for different editions. What would we tag it?
    We could set up a synonym, but then how would we decide what the master tag is? Which name takes precedence?

  • Other languages

    Let's say that I ask a question about a book that's only available in Hebrew. Good, that helps the variety problem. But uh-oh - how do I tag this? Tags don't support Hebrew characters, there's no official translation of the title in English, and it could be translated different ways. Transliteration? Hah. Transliteration is very subjective - just take a look at all of the different ways things are spelled on Mi Yodeya. One word - שבת - can be transliterated many different ways: Shabbat, Shabat, Shabbos, Sabbath... There are more. Point is, transliteration isn't going to work.

SE also has a tag limit that you run into eventually, although I highly doubt that we'll encounter that any time in the next five years even with title tags.

Mithical Mod
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