In 2016 there were a lot of Community Promotion Ads for Literature SE on various other sites around the network, which a few of us posted up during the Definition stage of the Area 51 proposal. Now that the new cycle of CPAs has started for 2017, I've reposted many of these ads in the hope that they will again reach the required score of 6 in order to appear on the front page of the respective sites. Each one currently displays the default image supplied by Area 51:
But now that we're in public beta and the site is accessible to everyone even without going through Area 51, it would be nice to have a less generic image and use something which really gives off the idea of 'literature'. Since we already have five Community Promotion Ads in place, all that's required is to edit in a new image to each one - and of course to have an image to use in the first place.
Thus this meta post. I've already asked @BESW, a qualified professional in graphic design, if he'd be willing to make the image for us, but even those of us who lack the skill to make a nice image can still discuss ideas for it. (If anyone else has the skill to make one, that'd be great too, of course.)
What should a Community Promotion Ad for Literature look like?
When people see the image, what do we want them to think? What immediate impression are we hoping to give them of our site and community? What particular aspects of the rather broad field of 'literature' do we want to emphasise? What message, if any, are we trying to convey?
Progress so far:
- Science Fiction & Fantasy: DONE (ad designed by @CreationEdge and posted by @Mithrandir)
- English Language & Usage: DONE (ad mostly designed by @BESW)
- Worldbuilding: DONE (ad designed by @BESW)
- Movies & TV: DONE (ad mostly designed by @BESW)
- Role-Playing Games: DONE (ad mostly designed by @BESW and posted by @Riker)
- Anime & Manga: ad (posted by @Torisuda) has enough upvotes but still needs a fancy design
Update for 2018: I've reposted ads for Literature on SFF, M&TV, Worldbuilding, and ELU. Someone else needs to do A&M and RPG, since I don't have accounts there.