We currently have a tag the-art-of-war with the following tag wiki excerpt:
For questions about The Art of War, the book by Sun Tzu. Use in conjunction with [sun-tzu].
While Sun Zi's The Art of War is certainly the most famous military treatise by this title, it is by no means the only one, as can be seen on this Wikpedia disambiguation page. Other authors who wrote treatises with this title include Sun Bin and Niccolò Machiavelli.
I therefore propose the following change to the tag wiki:
For questions about military treatises with the title The Art of War. Use in conjunction with [sun-tzu] for questions about Sun Tzu's The Art of War.
The tag wiki can then explain that there are several treatises with this title, as I mentioned above. If necessary, we can later add tags for machiavelli
and other authors who wrote such treatises.
tag has been renamed to the-art-of-war-sun-tzu as suggested in my answer and the comments below it.